1. Terms and conditions of this scheme of the Auction Rules are applied and are solely relevant in the case of winning of the Auction and hereby binds the parties related to the awarded Auction, i.e. the Auction Winner, the Vehicle supplier and the Auction Organiser.

2. In accordance of the procedure established by the Auction Rules, where the Participant wins the Vehicle Auction, he immediately receives the Payment message from the Auction Organiser to make the payment and is obligated to pay within 1 (one) business day:

    2.1. Fee of the Awarded Vehicle Auction – EUR 150.00 Eur (including VAT);

    2.2. Final vehicle purchase price (offered price plus VAT, if VAT is specified in the Auction posting description);

    2.3. Cost for the vehicle transportation services, where it was specified in the Auction posting.


3. If the Winner fails to make any payment specified in the Payment message within a term of 1 (one) business day and delays for over 3 (three) business days from receipt of the Payment message, then:

4. If the Winner pays all the amounts specified in the Payment message within a term of 1 (one) business day established or by no later than within 3 (three) business days from receipt of the Payment message, then:

3.1 It is considered than the Vehicle sale-purchase (order) agreement is terminated;

3.2 The Winner‘s fee is deducted from the Auction deposit and the penalties are applied in accordance with the procedure established in the Rules.

3.3 The Organiser organises another Auction for the same Vehicle.

4.1 The Organiser shall provide the Vehicle supplier‘s contacts to the Winner and then, if:

4.1.1 The Vehicle is in Lithuania, the Winner shall be obligated to come and examine the vehicle and to enter into the sale-purchase agreement within 5 (five) business days

4.2.1 The vehicle is to be transported, the Winner shall be obligated to come to examine the vehicle and to enter into the sale-purchase agreement within a term of 5 (five) business days from receipt of the notification on delivery of the Vehicle to the place of destination; therefore, if:

4.1.2 If the Vehicle sale-purchase agreement is entered into within 5 (five) business days, along with the statement of acceptance—transfer and they are provided to the Organiser, then the Vehicle is transferred and money is remitted to the Supplier; Afterwards, the relations of the Buyer (Winner) and the Seller (Supplieer) are settled between themselves. The sale-purchase agreement is not entered within a term of 5 (five) business days from the day of receipt of the notification on the Vehicle delivery to the destination place, maximum 5 (five) more days shall be provided for the above mentioned and then it shall be considered that: The agreement was terminated through the fault of the Winner; The amount of EUR 150.00 paid shall not be repaid, the fine of 20% shall be deducted and the balance shall be repaid. The new Auction for the same Vehicle shall be organised.



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